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TExES English As A Second Language Supplemental (ESL) 154 – 2 Easy Steps That Dramatically Raise Your Score

When it comes to your TExES ESL exam preparation, you want to be sure your doing 2 important things:

1.) Taking many TExES sample tests and
2.) your building skill in pushing through crippling test doubt.

texes esl study guide prep book

And although plenty of TExES English As A Second Language Supplemental ESL practice tests take a good swing at battling these two major testing areas, the truth of it is simple.  The only way you can even come close to eliminating doubt and beat those tough questions is to have a solid-gold process to point out the way.

You can also apply many of these test practice tips to the TExES PPR, Social Studies 7-12, Special Education and Math 7-12.

We’re not talking about your cut-and-dry process-of-elimination strategies either.  An ideal golden strategy for your tough TExES ESL exam won’t leave any room for that niggling feeling of doubt that can creep its way up your spine.  And when worse comes to worse, this 24 karat-gold strategy can shine the spotlight on the correct answer, no matter how tough the question may be…

…And without using so-called clues from “extreme” words or complicated guesstimating procedures!

TExES ESL Step #1: Only Focus Your Test Prep On The Official Framework Of Competencies Measured

Before we get to the meat-and-bones of this article, let’s make one thing perfectly clear: in order for this ESL preparation to work, you need to understand what those test makers want from you.

In the midst of TExES study, it can be easy to lose sight of what’s important. More often than not, TExES practice test questions force students to get into the frame of mind where getting the minimum score is the only thing that matters. But this line of thinking is doing you a massive disservice, as it’s difficult to get a great score when you’re only focused on your minimum potential.

texes esl practice test questions

The TExES English As A Second Language exam makers don’t want your minimum effort.  They want to see that you truly understand what being a Texas teacher is all about.  They want to ensure that you’ll bring passion and enthusiasm into the classroom – not a desire to take the easy way out.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s move on what you’ve been waiting for: the ultimate TExES English As A Second Language Supplemental ESL 154 exam practice two-step process!

Links To TExES Prep Tools And Tactics:

TExES ESL Step #2: Consider The Age Of The Students Carefully When Answering Your Test Questions

  • Before you even take a look at the answer choices for that TExES exam question, identify the age range of the students within the classroom.  Approximately what age will you be working with?  Jot down the age and quickly assess what you know about mental and emotional development for that age group.  If there’s no age range given, then the answer to the question is likely to be general in scope, rather than specific.
  • Now that the age range is all set, it’s time to identify the goal of the TExES ESL 154 test question.  As a teacher, what are you asked to do?  What would help you to accomplish this goal?  Don’t look for the answer with the easiest route – instead, choose the one that makes the teacher do more work, not less.

Get more test-busting TExES ESL practice test questions and free study resources online.

Find-Out: How Much A Failing TExES Score Could Cost You…

Author: Mark Dahlson