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CSET Multiple Subjects Practice Test And Study Guide – 5 Tips To Pass Quicker Now

  • Freaking out about the CSET Multiple Subjects Test?
  • Worried that reviewing the “basics” isn’t good enough?
  • Is this your last shot at passing the Multiple Subjects test after your 4th or 5th try?

You’ve come to the right place! You know, the California Subject Examinations for Teachers isn’t easy. However, here 5 CSET Multiple Subject study guide and practice test secrets that will help you pass quicker and with less effort now.

cset multiple subjects study guide book for passing score

Remember: you don’t need to ace the CSET exam! You simply need to pass the test.

So STOP worrying. Find out which basics you need to review!

Set aside time to complete each step:

  1. Know Your CSET Multiple Subjects Test
  2. Learn What You Already Know
  3. Learn What You Don’t Know
  4. Use YOUR Results To Choose The Best practice tests and CSET study guide book
  5. Use the best CSET prep books and study resources based on research

You CAN pass the first time!

Links To Free CSET Practice Tools And Tactics:

Multiple Subjects Study Guide Action Step #1:

The CSET Multiple Subjects test is actually 3 Subtests that ask both multiple-choice and constructed response questions.

Subtest 1 (#101)Subtest 2 (#214)Subtest 3 (#103)

Reading, Language & Literature (26 MC, 2 CR)

History & Social Science

(26 MC, 2 CR)

Science (26 MC, 2 CR)

CSET Math (26 MC, 2 CR)

Physical Education (13 MC, 1 CR)

Human Development (13 MC, 1 CR)

Visual & Performing Arts

(13 MC, 1 CR)

MC = Multiple-Choice

CR = Constructed Response

You should seek out a CSET math Subtest practice test and CSET Science practice test that teach the material in an interactive way and provide a realistic glance into the real exam.

It’s good to know this, but this information alone will not help you pass the CSET Multiple Subjects.

You acquire the necessary test prep tools and strategies to pass this teacher certification exam developed by nesinc and Pearson.

Then, read all the information for your exam.

Here’s what the information can do for you:

CSET Exam HelpInfo GivenReason to ReadMost Helpful
General InformationLists 11 pages of resourcesOverview of basic terms/info to knowGives links to content area standards
Multiple Subjects Subject Matter RequirementsGives the Domains of each content areaExplanation of specific information to test for each Domain

Subtest I Glossary p. 7-8

& possible CR p. 13;

Subtest II info shows difficulty of exam;

Subtest III p. 23, 25, 27 show possible CR

Subtests I, II, IIIRepeats info from Subject Matter RequirementsReinforces the info you must knowReading each Subtest isn’t overwhelming!
  1. Review the “Test Structure” for your CSET Multiple Subjects to skim the content areas tested.
  2. Finally, click on the upper right-hand corner “Preparation Materials” and PRINT OUT the test specifications for each subtest. This will help you:
    • view a road map for each subtest
    • evaluate your readiness for the Multiple Subjects exam
    • find valuable help to prepare for the CSET.

It is vital that you:

  • dig deeper to know the standards tested in each domain.
  • give yourself ample CSET Multiple Subjects test practice and study TIME to learn those standards.
  • get help to review your weakest areas.
  • Use this info for the next steps on your path to pass the CSET!

cset multiple subjects subtest 1 2 3 practice test questions

Now you now know more about these standardized tests for California teacher credentialing. You’re armed with the basics that you need to prepare.

Check-Out: A Seemingly Dumb Idea That Helped Me Pass-The-CSET On My First Try…

CSET Multiple Subjects Practice Test Action Step # 2: Learn Your Strengths and Weaknesses On Your CSET

The CSET Multiple Subjects “Preparation Materials” on the official website list the skills in each subtest YOU MUST KNOW!

This step takes time, but it’s worth it! Complete this so you don’t waste time on what you already know!

Highlight and check to Learn What You Already Know!

Carefully read each subtest’s list of skills written in each Domain paragraph.

  • Confident about a skill? Place a check above the period after that sentence.
  • Unsure about the skill or the terms used to describe the skill? Highlight the sentence!

Now you know

  • What’s on each Subtest AND
  • YOUR strengths and weaknesses.

But CAN YOU BE SURE you’ll review the right CSET Multiple Subjects study guide material?

Learn your REAL weaknesses in the CSET Multiple Subjects subtests!

You may think, “I already DID that!” But you may be wrong!

Research shows most of us overestimate what we know. Is that true for you?

  1. Take the free CSET Multiple Subjects practice test for each Subtest I offered on the nesinc website, including the constructed response questions.
  2. Score yourself.
  3. Look carefully at each correct answer to your CSET Multiple Subjects practice questions.
  4. As you read the correct answers, look also at the checkmarks and highlights you completed on your “Subject Matter Requirements” printout.
  5. If you find that YOU overestimated what you knew, highlight the information you need to study.
  6. Take time to do this for Subtest II and Subtest III.
  7. Choose CSET Multiple Subjects study guides that will help you to pass based upon YOUR weaknesses.

Watch This Video: They Laughed At This CSET Study Method, But When I Got My Passing Score…

CSET Multiple Subjects Study Guide Action Step #3:
Find The Best Preparation Materials For Your Specific Needs

CSET study guide books and practice tests you choose should address EVERY skill you have highlighted as weak. But they should do more.

Use YOUR printout of the test specifications, or BLUEPRINT guide you as you choose CSET Multiple Subjects practice exams, study guides, flashcards, or online help!

How Do I find the Right Study Materials?

  • Find CSET Multiple Subjects books that are thorough, even if they’re boring
  • Buy a CSET Multiple Subjects test study guide before you read its reviews
  • Find CSET study materials that are organized like the test: check the number of multiple-choice and constructed response options for each of the 3 Subtests
  • Be “tricked” into purchasing outdated materials that do not reflect the CURRENT CSET Multiple Subjects Exam
  • Find test prep materials that include “How To Take Multiple Choice Tests” for tips on choosing the BEST answer
  • Think that all CSET Multiple Subjects prep guides were written by people who know the test
  • Find CSET Multiple Subjects practice exams that include “How To Answer Constructed Response Questions”
  • Purchase materials that don’t have sample Constructed Response answers WITH rubrics that match the CSET
  • Find test preparation materials that allow you to take multiple practice tests
  • Expect that the CSET guide is a fun read. It’s not meant to be a thriller!
  • Find CSET Multiple Subjects study books with few or no typographical or grammatical errors
  • Wait until the week before your CSET test to buy study guides and practice tests
  • Supplement CSET Multiple Subjects test prep with a parenting book on education. It sounds strange, but trust me. These books are loaded with fantastic test prep information highly relevant to this exam. Try E.D. Hirsch’s What Your Fifth Grader Needs to Know: Fundamentals of a Good Fifth-Grade Education.
  • Don’t buy the cheapest CSET Multiple Subjects study guides because you’re trying to pinch a few dollars. You’ll regret that on your CSET test dates. You’ll pay the price by delaying your teaching career and missing your first year of teaching with a $40,000+ teaching salary.
  • Use preparation materials created by real California credential teachers who passed your specific CSET test.
  • Beware of CSET Multiple Subjects prep classes online or offline where the presenter reads the PowerPoint slides to you. You’ll still have to home and study, but be $200 poorer and lose all that time in long winded lectures. Didn’t already spend thousands on college tuition and years of time in college? – Did that get you prepared for CSET Multiple Subjects? Likely, a preparation course will only give you same result.

cset multiple subjects practice test questions preparation resources

It’s easy to find great preparation materials—meant for YOU—once you know your CSET’s “Test Structure and Content” strengths and weaknesses!

Remember that your study help will be worth it! Each Subtest costs $99 each time you take it! Work to pass the CSET Multiple Subjects the first time so you don’t have to take it multiple times!

CSET Multiple Subjects Test Prep Action Step #4:
How To Save Time And Prepare Effectively To Pass

A Tufts University study on stress and memory showed “. . .it is not necessarily a matter of how much or how long someone studies, but how they study.”

So how should YOU study for the CSET Multiple Subjects Exam?

  1. Set a daily schedule to study at least 1 MONTH ahead of your CSET.
  2. Don’t CRAM! Set aside blocks of time (20-40 minutes; 10 minute break; study 20-40 minutes, etc.) each day.
  3. After a week of review, take a CSET Multiple Subjects practice test again. Score it.
  4. Read the explanations for both your correct and incorrect answers this time. Learn which questions and answers cause problems for YOU now.
  5. RE-focus your CSET Multiple Subjects study time on the Domains YOU need to know and the test-taking strategies that follow in #4 and #5!

As you take CSET Multiple Subjects practice tests, do MORE than just narrow the answer to the best 2 choices. Do this as you practice the CSET multiple choice segments:

  1. Mark CSET test practice questions that take YOU longer to answer.
  2. Read carefully ALL of the explanations for BOTH correct and incorrect answers.
  3. Look for patterns (same words, phrases) in the answers YOU chose incorrectly.
  4. Look for patterns in the CSET practice exam questions that YOU answered incorrectly or that took your time.
  5. Use those patterns to learn about your test-taking skills: which key words or phrases pose problems for YOU? Remember them the next practice test!

The best test prep research shows:

  1. Practice tests are some of the most effective ways to improve test scores.
  2. CSET practice tests not only can improve recall, but they can reduce your test anxiety.
    • A recent Tufts University study showed that “learning by taking practice tests, a strategy known as retrieval practice, can protect memory against the negative effects of stress”.
    • The key is to make sure there is more than one practice test offered! The more practice, the less stress!
  3. Practice test research shows that gains in scores are “larger when identical forms of a test were used for practice.”
    • Again, you must know the content and structure of your test so it is as close as possible to the content and structure of your CSET (Kulik, J. A., et al. “Effects of Practice on Aptitude and Achievement Test Scores” American Educational Research Journal, 1984)
    • Answers for both correct and incorrect answers must be provided and EXPLAINED
    • Your work is not just to take the practice test but to know WHY your answer is right or wrong: it may be the wording of the question that makes you choose the wrong answer
  4. CSET Multiple Subjects study guide and practice exam research not only show gains, but the amount that students gained “increased with the number of practice tests given.”
    • Give yourself time to take more than one test and learn from correct and incorrect answers (Kulik, J. A., et al. “Effects of Practice on Aptitude and Achievement Test Scores” American Educational Research Journal, 1984.)
    • Your long-term memory will store information better if you use many short practice sessions with some time between each session (“Rethinking the use of tests: A Meta-Analysis of Practice Testing” 2017)
    • One full-length practice test taken between 1 and 6 days before the final test had the most impact (in the Meta-Analysis cited above). Save one test for this time period.

CSET Multiple Subjects Test Action Step #5:
Choose How You’ll Take The Exam

You don’t have to be a mathematician to know it’s cheaper to take all three CSET Multiple Subjects subtest 1, subtest 2 and subtest 3 at one time. . .unless you fail one or more subtests!

Choose to give yourself the best chance to pass each subtest.

That may mean taking each test separately. This allows you to focus on each individual Subtest.

By now, you are the expert! Choose the option that helps you pass the CSET Multiple Subjects exam the first time!

The CSET Multiple Subjects test is called high-stakes for a reason: realizing your dream of becoming a California credentialed teacher rests on passing all 3 Subtests.

  • Use the research available to make the best use of your time and energy.
  • Use the right CSET Multiple Subjects study guides for you!
  • Working hard now will save you money, time and frustration!

Go to: Why Constant, Busy CSET Test Prep Is Really A Form Of Laziness…

Author: Mark Dahlson